Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Download of Psychiatry

The DOP is freely accessible information about mental disorders and psychiatry, at about medical student level. It can be used an alternative textbook, and may be of interest to a wider audience.


The System and Method of Medicine

Here you will learn a system and method for learning and practicing medicine.

Why? Being a medical student in the current era can be overwhelming: information overloads us from every direction. The need for a solid foundation in a methodical and systematic approach to medicine has never been greater. This website aims to build such a foundation. It is therefore different from other medical resources you will encounter for it does not detail what to think, but rather how to think.
The site draws together many approaches that students may meet elsewhere in medicine into one powerful system, which is straightforward and easy to follow. The systems on this site are a guide, and become valuable only after dedicated application of the principles - in study, and particularly at the bedside. Once these few systems have been mastered, you may leave confident that you are launched on your medical career with the correct philosophy and a sound method.
We hope your medical learning will be transformed, from what can be a dreary uphill slog of memorising list after list to a deeper understanding that brings rewarding insights and profound satisfaction, enhancing your medical practice forever.

Screening Physical Exam

Learn all about it!


Essential Drugs - 2010

Medecins Sans Frontieres - Essential Drugs


Online Textbook of Otolaryngology:

Grand Rounds Archive. This page contains
1995 - Present


Standard First Aid Course

Learn First Aid Now
It will be most helpful in emergencies


General Practice Notebook

GPnotebook is an online encyclopaedia of medicine that provides a trusted immediate reference resource for clinicians in the UK and internationally. Updated continually, our database consists of over 26,000 pages of information. Fast and reliable, many doctors use GPnotebook during the consultation.

To browse a clinical chapter just click on a heading to the right. If you know what you are looking for then use the power of our search engine by typing your request into the medical search box.


Do You Want to Learn ECG?

Visit the
                      ECG LEARNING CENTER
                                                         In Cyberspace



Epidemiology for the Uninitiated

Fourth Edition


1. What is epidemiology?

2. Quantifying disease in populations

3. Comparing disease rates

4. Measurement error and bias

5. Planning and conducting a survey

6. Ecological studies

7. Longitudinal studies

8. Case-control and cross sectional studies

9. Experimental studies

10. Screening

11. Outbreaks of disease

12. Reading epidemiological reports

13. Further reading

All of this from eBMG on the following website
